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The Fisherman must have sliced an internalorgan, or severed an artery.
However, dose-volume calculations using individual CT scans do not account for internalorgan motion.
There seemed to be an injury to some internalorgan, which threatened his life.
She will start alongside fellow Aussie Genevieve LaCaze in four days, minus an internalorgan.
One (they chose their mom) had a punctured eye and grievous internalorgan damage.
Использование термина viscus на английском
Tapping, or incision followed by extirpation of the injured viscus, if the less severe procedures failed.
Begin defines idiosyncrasy as the predominance of an organ, of a viscus, or a system of organs.
Same with appendicitis, kidney stones, pancreatitis, a perforated viscus-allcaused tremendous pain but those pains were usually localizable.
According to Ashhurst, Gamgee has collected 28 cases of rupture of this viscus, including one observed by himself.
In wounds of the portions of the viscus not clad in peritoneum, as a rule, a very different prognosis obtains.
Conclusions: Sigmoid perforation following pelvic radiation for cervical cancer does not usually present with the typical signs of a ruptured viscus.
The immortal mind is, according to you, an ignoble viscus; the god-like gift of reason is the instinct of a dog somewhat highly developed.
The bullet, taking a course more or less parallel to that of the wall of the viscus, cut a long slit in its anterior wall.
Background: The biomarkers most commonly employed in identifying visceral hypersensitivity are sensation ratings and thresholds or brain imaging during viscus (e.g., rectal) distension.